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Counselor Supervision Available

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Are you currently a counselor in need of supervision?

Working toward your LAC or LPC.

Working in collaboration with your University and/or the State Licensure Board, my goal is to support my prospective supervisee’s in their evolution as counselors, seeing growth, as defined by the Life Span Model. I only work with schools that I have an established agreement with. 


Presently I am most comfortable with implementing the Cognitive–Behavioral Model.  This model allows a structured (suggested) nine-step approach, starting with checking in and ending with my supervisee’s reflections. The goal of this cooperative model is to increase the supervisee’s confidence as they build competencies in their client’s best interest. This model provides a timeline that can easily be modified and followed to provide consistency within a setting that requires proper preplanning that accommodates multiple counselors/counselor educators in training. 


Feel free to contact the Greater Zen for availability to work with a Clinical Supervisor that has experienced similar academic and licensure requirements. 

Supervision Rate: $75 per Supervision

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